About Me

My name is Kerry Marino and I was born in Brooklyn, NY. I have grown up with my family of red heads (five of them) on Long Island and upstate New York. Most of my adolescent years were spent singing, playing music, and adventuring around the small hamlet of Slate Hill, in Orange County NY. I met some of my best friends there, including my husband Logan Brennan. 

I have a BA degree in English with a double-minor in writing and philosophy. Over the years, I've been a singer in a band, editor, editorial director, writer for a military aviation publication, literacy tutor, homework helper, production associate at the Modern Language Association (MLA), and an English-teaching Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine.

Life after Peace Corps is still an adventure and it always will be. I now have my Masters of Science in Education from Saint John's University. I am a (proud) New York City Teaching Fellow and English teacher at a small transfer high school in Canarsie, Brooklyn. My husband and I are also expecting our first baby in February 2016. This "Adventures of" blog hopes to cover as many new adventures as the internet can handle.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kerry,

    Let me start by saying nice travel blog! I'm Corrie an outreach member at Preply. Preply.com is an online platform where one could learn languages. We connect tutors and students who want to learn different languages through Skype.

    We're trying to become recognized all around the globe through partnerships. Since you have a travel blog and we are a language learning platform, I thought maybe we could team up. We're interested in a link exchange with your site. We could put your link on our site(with your logo) under partners, and in exchange if you could put our link anywhere on your site. It's very simple, and it could make both our sites more known! We have over 1,000,000 visitors a month on our page. You're page would definitely benefit by more traffic!

    If you're interested in this type of partnership, message me back and we could discuss details. Also we have an Affiliate program that you could be apart of which would compensate you also if you have interest. Thanks so much for your time.

    Corrie N.
